Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Lost Business: What to do to WIN BACK Customers and Clients

Here are practical, specific ideas and examples to help you win-back lost business.
Most businesses that recognize they may have lost business do the following:
  1. Send a customer satisfaction survey
  2. Send an email with a subject line like “We Miss You”
  3. Send a price-off deal with a call-to-action to Buy Now
There are better approaches for both you and your customers/clients.

Lost business step #1:  Understand WHY the customer/client behavior has changed – why haven’t they purchased or come in?

Sending a customer/client a customer satisfaction “lost business” survey or customer satisfaction survey is like giving someone a boring chore to do for you as a favour.  Most people won’t do it.
Why should they because there is no benefit to them to do this.
Depending on how many customers/clients you have and how valuable the customer/client is to your business, you may want to:
1.  Pick up the phone and make a personal call
What’s key is the sincerity and the motive of your call:  to check in to see how they are doing, NOT to try to sell them something.  People like to buy from people who care about them as a person.  That’s true if you’re selling to consumers or business buyers.
If you get their voice mail, leave a nice message saying you were just calling to see how they are doing and then follow-up by sending them apersonal email saying you are checking in and want to know how they are and if there’s anything you can do for them.
2.  Send the customer/client/patient a personal email
Your email should be addressed to the person using their name and it should come from and be signed by someone by you as the business owner or if you’re a bigger business, someone by a real person at the company with their title and contact information.
The subject line for your lost business email is really important because the person may not see or open it if it sounds like a survey or a sales message.
Don’t say this in your email subject line:
  • Help me make (our business or product) better
  • We want you back
  • We miss you!
I’ve actually gotten emails from companies using these email subject lines for lost business campaigns.
They don’t work because it’s not genuine (you miss your girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse, kids, dog, friends, not a customer) or the business is asking the customer/client to do something for them (come back, help me) and there’s no benefit to the customer.
Instead, use a subject line for potentially lost business customers/clients that is morepersonal:
  • Annie checking in:  How are you?
  • What’s new with you Annie?
  • How can I help you Annie?
  • What’s happening with you Annie?
  • Hi Annie
Then in your email, make it very easy for the customer/client/patient to reply to your email to let you know what’s new or changed in their life so you’ll know if  the person has:
  • died
  • moved
  • changed jobs
  • lost their job
  • gotten sick
  • changed their email address or phone number
  • gotten married
  • gotten divorced
  • had a baby
  • gotten a promotion
  • been forced to buy from someone else
  • won the lottery
  • something else
For some businesses, it may be the customer/client has moved on to a different stage and your product/services are no longer relevant.
For example, a mom with young kids who loved gymnastics now has kids who love soccer so she isn’t interested in your services or a partner at a law firm who you’ve considered a good client is in semi-retirement.
Or, your hair salon client Karen is going through chemo treatment and doesn’t have any hair to cut.  You never know what is happening in the lives of your customers/clients/patients.
To win-back lost business, start by seeking to understand what may havechanged for them, not making a sales pitch or offering a screaming deal to get them back.
Here’s a brilliant lost business WOW-them back idea
An office supply company in a city has a “rose budget” for lost business customers.
When a customer hasn’t purchased in a while, they send their delivery person out to customer’s office with one single rose (or a dozen roses if it’s a big account) along with a handwritten note saying:  What’s happened?  We’ve missed you.
Now that is an appropriate use of “We’ve missed you” when it comes with roses and a personal note!
The delivery person from the company usually makes someone’s day when they show up with the rose and they immediately get the information they need:
Oh, she’s left the company or she’s out on maternity leave or corporate is now forcing us to buy from someone else…or whatever the reason for the lost business along with the information the company needs to know to win-back lost business from the customer. Brilliant idea!

Lost business step #2:  make it very easy for a customer/client/patient to tell you if they’ve had a bad customer/client or product/service experience.

That isn’t asking someone to complete a long, boring, no-benefit-to-me customer satisfaction survey.
It’s instead encouraging a customer/client/patient to reply back to an email to a real human being who will read their message and it won’t get sent into the “black hole” where most people assume customer satisfaction survey information and email replies go.
Know this:  it’s hard for most people to complain directly to a business owner.
Most people prefer to “just let it go” and move on.   Some customers/clients won’t complain to you directly and instead they’ll post negative reviews on sites like Yelp.  Both the silent lost business customers/clients and the online vocal ranters are bad for your business.

Lost business step #3:  be real and relevant in your response

If you get a response back from a customer/client that they’ve lost their job, tell them you are very sorry and try to figure out how you might help them.
If they’ve gotten a promotion, congratulate them and ask who is now handling their former responsibilities (and could they perhaps make an introduction to that person).
If they share about a bad experience with your company or product/service, consider those lost business customer/client insights are like GOLD!
They give you a chance to learn what needs to be changed/fixed so you don’t lose more business.  And it also gives you a chance to win back what would have been lost business from that customer/client.

Lost business step #4:  update the customer/client status in your customer database

If the customer/client is truly lost business, then mark the customer record that way in your marketing database so you don’t spend any money or time on marketing to them.
If the customer/client has shared they are unsatisfied, note that in their customer record so that you can check up on them to make sure things are better.
Set up a reminder for yourself to check on unsatisfied customers/clients every month.  Your goal should be to move the status of those customers/clients to “loyal”, not lost.
If the customer/client has gotten promoted and someone else in their company is the key person your company should be interacting with, note that in their customer record.
You may still want to maintain a relationship with the customer/client who has been promoted and you’ll want their name to make a “warm connect” when you contact the person who has taken over their responsibilities.
That lost business customer/client is now someone who has given you a referral.
In the best case scenario, you’ll be doing 1:1 marketing that is personalized to each client/customer.
If you sell to thousands of customers/clients, then you’ll need to appear that your marketing is personalized (and more relevant to them) by using  tools like CRM (customer relationship marketing) tools and strategies.
You can set up segments of similar customers/clients in your marketing database and make a list pull of the people in a particular segment to market to them with messages and offers that will be more relevant that send-everyone-the-same-thing-at-the-same-time marketing.
What’s your advice on how to win-back lost business?
Please share.  We’re better together sharing what we collectively know works (and doesn’t work) to win-back lost business.

A Complete Guide for Surrogate Mother to Make Money from Surrogacy

Surrogacy is an agreement between the childless couple and the surrogate mother who is going to rent her womb till the birth of the child of the childless couple. In surrogacy the surrogate mother gets paid for becoming pregnant for the childless couple.
India is a destination for surrogacy for people from all over the world. The childless couple visit India for surrogacy option as in India the surrogacy is cost effective and with less and simple laws.
Since 2002 commercial surrogacy has been legalized in India. Anand in Gujarat, India is a hub for surrogacy.
In year 2011 Amir Khan and Kiran Rao declared of having baby through surrogacy & in 2016 Tusshar Kapoor becomes father to baby boy using surrogacy but till today in Indian Society surrogacy is not openly talked about.
In India most of the surrogate mothers are from lower middle class family who do it for the paying their debt, buying home or for children’s education so there are less chances of keeping the baby with them after the child birth
Also some upper class family has done surrogacy to fulfill their some wishes.
In India the total cost for surrogacy is around $20000 including the consultation, surrogate mothers fee, medical expenses and delivery expenses.
But in developed countries like US, UK whole process of surrogacy cost is 4 times more than the Indian cost of surrogacy. Hence the foreign childless couples come to India for surrogacy.

Who opts surrogacy?

Surrogacy is opted by couples or women who are unable to conceive, have multiple abortions, uterus problems, failed IVF treatments and other health issues which may put them on risk.

Types of surrogacy

There are two types of surrogacy 1. Traditional Surrogacy 2. Gestational Surrogacy
Traditional Surrogacy – In Traditional Surrogacy the surrogate mother becomes pregnant through artificial insemination with intended father’s sperm. In this method the child is genetically related to the surrogate mother and the intended father. This type of surrogacy is not legal in India.
Gestational Surrogacy – In Gestational Surrogacy, the surrogate mother becomes pregnant through artificial insemination with intended parents egg and sperm. In this type of surrogacy the child is biological of the intended parents. Or donor’s egg or donor’s sperm are also used in gestational surrogacy.
Gestational Surrogacy is common in India than the traditional surrogacy.
Before taking decision
Before becoming surrogate mother think twice can you carry stranger’s baby in your womb. After carrying for 9 months will you allow the baby to go to his/ her real parents? You can’t take surrogacy lightly as it is 9 months commitment.
If you love your own children’s and you love to become pregnant again, then definitely you can think of becoming surrogate mother.
After taking decision of becoming surrogate mother take a legal advice. Discuss the surrogacy with your husband, your family member take their opinion also. It will be better so that you don’t get stuck in middle of pregnancy if the intended parents reject the baby for whatever reasons.

Whom to contact for surrogacy?

To become a surrogate mother you can register with any fertility clinic nearby your place. Not all Fertility clinics do surrogacy. We can’t suggest here for any clinic. You can just Google on internet for the fertility clinics which have surrogacy program.
Check out what compensation they are giving, medical expenses, surrogate homes etc. Find on the clinics websites the details and then contact them. Also if your neighbours, friends or relatives have earlier became surrogate mother you can take their suggestion also.

How much money you can earn?

A surrogate mother receives above Rs 2,50,000 or depends upon the total cost of the treatment. The compensation varies according to the fertility clinics also.
Medical expenses, delivery expenses are borne by the client and in some cases monthly expenses allowance is also provided.
Some clinics offer surrogate homes where the surrogate mothers stay away from their homes during their pregnancy and after the delivery till the recovery period.
In surrogate homes they are provided meals, maternity clothing, comfortable living and proper care are taken and other best services. She also gets life insurance cover during pregnancy.
Even some clinics take care of the families and children’s of the surrogate mothers. In some cases the illiterate surrogate are paid as less as just Rs 20000.
Where the surrogate really don’t know she is underpaid. So take a legal advice find out the compensation so that you don’t get underpaid.
Surrogate mother during gets the compensation in instalments as first payment after the embryo transfer, then part payment after scan and the full and final payment after the delivery.

Recruitment of the Surrogate mother

Earlier doctors used to post an ad for the recruitment of the surrogate mothers but now the trend has changed people are coming themselves forward even the women’s husbands are supporting them.
Sometimes surrogate mother is from families, friends or know reliable source. All the personal details, health details, background of the surrogate mother are informed to the intended parents.
The surrogate mother is selected from the database of the fertility clinics. After the selection of the surrogate mother a meeting is planned in between the intended parents and the surrogate mother and her husband or else a coordinator is hired by the couple for the coordination.
After successful meeting between both parties treatment is started.
After the selection of surrogate mother, before the surrogacy process counselling is given to the surrogate mother. In counselling the mother is mentally prepared for renting the womb and not gets emotionally attached to the child.

Who can become surrogate mother?

1. Age should be above 21 years and below 35 years
2. Surrogate mother should be married and should have her at least one child and have completed her own family.
3. Surrogate mother has to take consent of her husband or else of the family members also.
4. Her own babies should be healthy and should have normal delivery.
5. She should be having her earlier deliveries as safe deliveries.
6. Surrogate mother should be good in health mentally as well as physically.
7. Genetic disorder and diseases should not be in surrogate mothers family.
8. Complete medical examination is taken.
9. She should not be infected with diseases like Hepatitis B, STD, HIV etc. Also her husband has to undergo for medical tests for Hepatitis B, HIV etc.
10. Surrogate mother should not be overweight, drinker, and smoker and should be living in a smoke free and abusive free environment.
11. If the surrogate mother is overweight she has to lose the weight before surrogacy.
12. The surrogate mother should be mentally fit and not on any medication for any illness.
13. Surrogacy is valid for only 3 pregnancies so if the surrogate mother is having her own two children then she can become surrogate mother only once.
14. No criminal records. A background investigation is done to find out whether surrogate mother or any of her family members are not involved in any violence or crime.
15. Surrogate mother should have support from the husband and family members.

Problem for the surrogate mother

As carrying the child for nine months the surrogate mother gets attached to the child. After the delivery the mother feels emotionally hard for the separation of the child. If the family or the husband don’t support after the delivery it’s a hard time for the surrogate mother.

Legal Formalities

For the surrogacy procedure a legal contract is signed in between the surrogate mother and the intended parents.
The contract contains the name and details of the surrogate mother, intended parents details, type of surrogacy, written consent of surrogate mother, her husband, her family members, total compensation for surrogacy, stages of payment, mode of payment and other terms and conditions.
Husband of the surrogate mother has to sign a written consent that he agrees and support for the surrogacy and will not claim for the child after the delivery.
The surrogate child gets birth certificate in name of the intended parents and not in name of surrogate mother. The surrogate mother as well the intended parents have to keep the privacy as per the agreement.
In some cases the surrogate mother and the intended parents are in touch throughout the pregnancy or after the delivery also. Some intended parents remain in touch with surrogate mother till the delivery only, it depends upon the different different cases.
You can also check this post for more legal information on surrogacy.
I hope this above information might have changed mind of at least some women’s. Through surrogacy you are not only receiving the money but also giving happiness to the childless couple forever.
It is a boon given by the science to help the childless couple. I know many of us young women’s don’t think of the second child but if there is someone in our family or in friend circle who is childless we can definitely help them by renting our womb.
Also your husband, family will feel proud that you have helped the childless couple.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Can/Should You Make Money from Charity?

There are many ways to make money in this world which are absolutely legit. However there are certain ways where the line between legal and illegal blurs.
One of them is charity. Is it legal to make profit from charity?
Forget about the legal issue, what about ethical issue?
How donors feel who are giving charity out of good intention? Many of fundraising events happen to be a fraud.
We shall debate all these issues in this article in great details.

Ethical Issue: Is it Ethically Right to Make Money from Charity?

Let us debate whether making profits from charity is right or wrong from ethical angle.
If you are raising money out of good intention and have no desire to keep some of the money then raising charity is fine.
However if you want to keep some amount of money and make it as a regular profession then it might be wrong.
As a matter of fact most of the fund raising companies keep a certain share of money that has being collected in the name of cancer patients or hungry kids.
All of these companies are doing this and it can be ethically wrong but you have to make a decision.

Legal Issue: Is Making Money from Charity Legit?

Now let us see the legal aspect of making money from charity. You could be very much in legal trouble if your charity happens to be a fraud.
As a matter of fact only 10 cents reaches to needy out of every $1 donated for charity. Remaining 80 cents goes in the pocket of fund raising companies, consultants, solicitors and other employees.
In US there are more than 5000 charity organizations functioning all over the country. Almost 50% of them are fraud.
So if you are thinking of starting a fund raising company for personal gains then you must be smart enough to take care of all the legal issues in case any fraudulent charges are levelled by a group.

Charity Money from Donor’s and Fund Raising Company’s Point of View

It is very important to educate the donor who is the major stake holder in this. He or she is the one whose money is going to go to the needy, if at all.
Here are few facts about charity that you need to know as a donor.
According to Center of Investigative Reporting around 50 worst charities across US raised more than $1.3 Billion over the period of last 10 years.
Out of $1.3 Billion around $1 Billion went to fund raising companies in profits which means less than $300 Million reached to the needy people.
This shows most of the charities operating are either fraud or just profit making companies.
Therefore donation for a charity from donor’s perspective is a rip off however for a fundraising company it is a lucrative business.

Different Ways to Collect Money through Charities

Even after reading last few paragraphs you are hell-bent on making money from charity then I give you 5 different ways to collect money effectively.

Gala, Events and Performances

The best way to start is by organizing gala and events where celebrities will perform for a cause and you will collect money by selling tickets.
You can also organize party or dinner where you can ask people to donate money. However organizing an event or a gala could be very challenging and you may need to hire mangers for getting things done.

Asking for Direct Donations

This is the most practiced way of collecting money. You can ask for donations from people directly online as well as offline.
You can create a website or run a campaign where you ask people to donate money. You have to create pages describing the cause for which you are collecting the money.
You can also do it by going door to door.

Selling Products and Merchandise

You might think of girl scouts selling cookies and boy scouts selling popcorn door to door. They collect huge amount of money each year.
You can also replicate by selling products for a cause that people may like to buy. You can sell merchandise like T-shirts, mugs, caps etc.


Fund raising companies can apply for grants given by government, corporate, various foundations and individuals.
However you have to explain the donor how you are going to utilize their money and also show the potential outcomes.


If you have to do charity work then you will need volunteers who are going to create awareness and raise money on the ground.
Your charity will not succeed if you don’t have an army of volunteers at your disposal.
So these were few best ways to collect money legally.

Step By Step Guide to Get Started Legally

You might be wondering how you start a legal fund raising company if you are an individual. We give you step by step guide.
Step 1: Apply for a Grant: If you are an individual then you have to do some research and apply for grant from government or corporate. Grants cover all the administrative expenses from where you are going to draw your salary.
Step 2: Managing Operational Expenses: You as a fundraiser have to control the operational expenses and ensure that most part of the charity goes to needy people. You have to take care of various expenses and minimize it.
Step 3: Budgeting: You also have to do budgeting so that administrative expenses do not affect the volume of money raised every year.
Step 4: Put Your Own Effort: You have to put your own effort apart from depending upon the fund raising machinery. Make sure that money raised is exempted from any tax under 501(c) 3.
So these were few steps that you have to take for starting your fund raising company.

Should You Make this as a Profession?

Finally I will conclude by saying that making money from charity is a tricky business.
There are professional fund raisers who operate this as a legit business.
If you are serious about charity only then you should go for it, otherwise choose another career.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Top 10 Practical Ways to Make Money from Blogging

Just find out how you can make money from blogging and what are the effective ways to make money from these methods.

1. Google AdSense

This is the most common way of making money. Almost 90% of the blogs on internet use Google AdSense on their blog to make money. Any blogger find it very easy to earn by placing AdSense ads on their blog.
But many of the blogger does not use any trick to increase their AdSense earnings. They simply follow other bloggers and copy the way they place the ads. But this is not the best way of earning from AdSense.
People who know about AdSense earning secrets make lots of money using on their blog.

2. Affiliate Marketing

This is another way of making money from your blog. There are people who are making even million dollars through affiliate marketing and they are known as super affiliate or internet marketing gurus.
Affiliate marketing is for those people who work hard and who love internet marketing. There are hundreds of best affiliate programs available on internet. Choosing the right affiliate program and right way to promote it is the key to the success in affiliate marketing.
Just a single affiliate program can make you thousands of dollars months after month. You can create niche sites to promote it or you can also promote through paid advertising using Google AdWords or MSN AdCenter.

3. Selling Ad Space

You have a blog and you have lots of visitors on your site. Why don’t you sell some of the space on your website to the advertisers. This will bring you real monthly income without any headache.
There are many websites like buysellads.com or blogads.com which can help you sell your ad space. You will get paid fixed monthly income from the advertisers. You can also create a page and place a link to advertise on your site so that advertisers can directly deal with you and you can earn more as there will be no commission to middleman.

4. Selling a product

Selling a product means you can sell anything you own. You can create an eBook and sell it on your blog, you can sell your services or you can even sell physical products. If there is quality in your products, you can really do well.
But be careful to sell something not related to your blog category. If you are writing about health, you can sell health products, if you are writing about making money online, you can create an eBook on this topic and sell. This will bring a better conversion from your targeted visitors.

5. Create a membership site

If you think, your contents are worth thousands of dollars then why don’t you create a membership sites. There are thousands of blogger who charge either one time payment or monthly subscription or even yearly to access the premium contents.
This way you can make life time recurring income through your blog. As the number of members increases & so your monthly income.

6. Donation button

This is one of the best way of making money from your blog. You can put a PayPal donation button on your blog and ask your readers to donate if they liked your contents. People who really get the benefits from your contents will likely to donate you.
If you are not using any other ways of earning, there is nothing like hesitation for using a ‘donate me’ button on your site. Even one of the biggest website Wikipedia make money from donation only.

7. Sponsored Review

This is something writing paid reviews of other’s product and services. There are thousands of advertisers who wants to review their products or services on famous blogs and they pay hundreds of dollars or even thousands for single review.
This way they can sell their products to your loyal readers. A positive review can bring a lifelong income to them from your blog.
But you need to be careful to not publish any misleading review. Check yourself the product by asking a sample and after your satisfaction, go for this. A review of wrong product can destroy your reputation.

8. Website flipping

Website flipping is nothing but buying and selling of websites to make profit. In most cases, people make blogs on their own and make it popular for a period of time after which they sell it. The more you grow a website, the more are your chances of selling them at 10 times or 15 times the amount of its monthly income.
There are many sites like Flippa, WebsiteBroker, DealaSite.com where you can put your blog for auction. This is one of the hottest business now a days. An investment of $100 to your blog and some of your efforts can turn this to $2000 or even $10000 depending on your efforts on your blog.

9. Pay Per Click Sites

There are many sites like AdSense who pay per clicks for running their ads on your blog. Some of them pay even better than AdSense and many people are making good money through these pay per click sites. Some of the popular sites are Chitika, Infolinks, Adbrite, Yahoo Publisher Network, Kontera etc.

10. Amazon Associate

Millions of people worldwide making money though Amazon Associate Program. Amazon associate is one of the best program to make money by displaying Amazon’s hot selling product in your blog sidebar.
You can even use some good plugins which can rotate the products on each visit so that you can make most out of this.
The above 10 methods are the real practical ways of making money from your blog. So if you are a blogger, don’t get de-motivated and focus on which one is the most suitable way of making money for you.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

What is mTurk (Amazon Mechanical Turk)

Amazon Mechanical Turk or simply mTurk is one of the simplest way of earning some little extra income in part time but many of the people don’t know about some of the smart tips & tricks to get the full advantage of mTurk.
This article will explain you everything about mTurk and some of the best tips only few of mTurk workers are using. You can double your income after using these mTurk tips & tricks.
And if you want more websites like mTurk then check these top 10 crowd sourcing websites & make even more money.

Know everything about MTurk before you start working

Don’t start blindly. Learn everything about MTurk that you will see once you logged in to your MTurk account. Once you understand everything then it will be easy to work on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
And you can also check some of the best tips & tricks here that will help you to maximize your MTurk earnings.

What is Amazon Mechanical Turk or mTurk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk or mTurk is a marketplace to work on small micro jobs that can’t be completed automatically by computers and so require human ideas to complete these small jobs.
MTurk allows small businesses and website owners to access to a diverse, on-demand, scalable workforce and gives workers a selection of thousands of tasks to complete whenever it’s convenient.
mTurk is based on the idea that there are still many things that human beings can do much more effectively than computers, such as identifying objects in a photo or video, complete a small survey, rate or like a website, share the contents on social media sites, transcribing audio recordings, review a product or site & hundreds of different tasks.
Earlier, if you want to complete such tasks, you need to hire people on temporary basis which is time consuming and expensive but same thing on Amazon Mechanical Turk is the easier, faster and cheaper.

What‘s the difference between a Worker & Requester in mTurk?

A requester is a person, website owner or a company who provides the tasks to mTurk so that thousands of its workers can see these tasks and complete them. A worker is a person who wants to make money on mTurk & completes the tasks provided by requester.

What is a HIT?

A Human Intelligence Task, or HIT, is nothing but task provided by the requester to be completed. On successful completion of the task, worker gets rewarded.

How do I join mTurk as a Worker?

Check this mTurk signup post to guide you for the registration.

How do I complete a HIT?

One you signup on MTurk, login to your account and view thousands of HITs available there. Click the “Accept HIT” button while viewing the HIT.
Complete the HIT according to its instructions, fill out the form with the results, and click the “Submit HIT” button. After you submit your results for the HIT, another similar HIT will be presented for you to accept.

How do I receive my money from MTurk?

Once you complete a HIT in mTurk, the requester will check this and if satisfied approves your HIT.
When Amazon checks the approval from requester, it transfer the money from requester’s prepaid balance to worker’s Amazon payment account.
You can check everything on the dashboard like how many tasks you have completed successfully, how many rejected, how much is the balance etc.
Once your account in Amazon Mechanical Turk reaches more than US $10, you can ask to withdraw your payment. Its better, you withdraw after every US $100 as there is $4 deduction every time you request a withdrawal.

What is a bonus payment?

A bonus is an extra incentive from a Requester. If a requester feel your work is excellent and better than what he wanted, he may choose to pay you extra commission for the same reward you already paid for.

My task was rejected, what should I do?

A Requester has the right to reject the task if he thinks, its wrong or not satisfactory. But if you feel your answer was right or you did the task successfully, you can directly contact the requester. In most of the cases, requester approves the work if a worker contact him and justify his work.

How much time do I have to work on a HIT?

Requesters can specify a HIT’s “Allotted Time” or how long a worker can hold on to a HIT once he accept the HIT. So once you accept the task, its your responsibility to give the priority to that task and complete that in the allotted time.
In many cases, the worker accept this but does not complete so other workers who wants to complete that have no option to complete that.
In this case neither you nor other worker completed the HIT and requester does not get his task completed in the reasonable time period. So this ensures that if you did not complete the task in allotted time, the HIT is available to other worker.

MTurk Tips & Tricks

At present, MTurk is very strict about new signup. Its difficult to get the approval from Amazon Mechanical Turk. But you can try your luck.
Its a good thing if you get the approval but there is no need to worry, if you don’t get approval. You can signup other 10 websites like MTurk & start working on these sites.
But if you have already got the approval from Amazon Mechanical Turk, then you can try these smart tips to work on MTurk. I am sure these tips & tricks will maximize your earnings in MTurk.
  • Demo of completing an mTurk HIT
  • Tips & Tricks to work smart & fast
  • A Must have Mturk Tool – Turkopticon Toolbar
I hope you enjoy this information & it will benefit you one way or other. If you have any question or suggestion on Mturk then you can write this through comments below.

Make Easy Money from 20 Android Smartphone Apps

We pay thousands of rupees to buy our Android Smartphone but we don’t use the full potential or many of the useful features our Smartphone can give us.
And one of the great potential of our Smartphone mobile is making some extra income by installing apps.
There are hundreds of apps you can install in your Android mobile (or even in your iPhone) & you can make good money from this.
But we are showing you some of best & high rated apps that can give you more earning in less work.

20 Best Android Apps that can Make you Money

Find the details of these android apps that you can install & make money. If you have a iPhone then you can search the name of that app in Apps store.
Here are they-

1. Earn Money

There are number of ways you can earn money after installing ‘Earn Money’ app. You can get paid by visiting a webpage, clicking ads, watching videos, installing other apps, completing short surveys etc.
The app is available in both paid as well as free version. If you want to make more money then you can go for paid version.
You can earn $0.25 per referral. You can invite your friends by sending your referral code through WhatsApp, Facebook, Email etc.
Your earnings will be shown in coins & 100 coins equals $1. Your money will be deposited in your PayPal account within 24 hours after making the request.
One of the highest ‘make money’ app in android market (rated almost 4.3 out of 5 from 64,000 members).
Download Earn Money Now

2. Mint Coins

One of the best way to earn money from your Android smartphone is from Mint Coins app. You can earn by playing free games, downloading an app, registering on other sites, watching a video ad, doing a small survey etc.
One of the best part of this app is fast earning than other apps. Earning $5 to $10 takes little time. Minimum amount you can withdraw is $1 through PayPal.
You can even get paid inviting your friends.
You earn $0.25 (Rs.15) per friend invited & your friend gets $0.10 for signup. They can also earn money from this app.
Download Mint Coins

3. CashPirate

Its easy to earn money through CashPirate. Like Mint Coins, you can earn money by downloading the apps, trying free products, watching videos & referring your friends.
You can earn 10% of earnings that each of your referral earn & 5% from their referral.
They use the terms ‘Coins’ for the earnings & when you have earned 2500 coins, you can easily withdraw your earnings in your PayPal account.
This app is rated 4.5/5 from 42,000 satisfied users. It means the site is trustworthy.

4. Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards does not pay you any cash. However it does reward you with Google Play Credits where you can redeem for Android apps, Google Music, Books, Magazines and movies in the Play Store.
Here you can earn by completing a small survey giving your opinion about a product to the Google. Google forwards it to the company looking for consumer experience.
Once you sign up they will give you surveys every week and rewards could be from 25 cents to $1 or even more.
Download Google Opinion Rewards Now.

5. Earn Talktime

As the name suggest, you will not earn money but you can earn free talk time by using ‘Earn Talktime’ app. There are number of ways you can earn free time-
  • Installing other free mobile app
  • You can get Loan from ‘Earn Talktime’ in case you don’t have sufficient balance.
  • Earn by signup on a website
  • Discover Premier offers
  • Extra discount on shopping on any site
  • Answering polls & doing online surveys
  • Watching videos
  • Referring your friends
Download ‘Earn Talktime’ & use Refer id: 3880649

6. ESPN Streak for the Cash

ESPN Streak for the Cash app could make you rich overnight because it is like a jackpot.
Here you have to make few predictions on one of your favorite match and make money daily, weekly and even yearly. You need to get longest winning streak for the team for at least a month.
You can do for 10 different sports. You can win $50,000 monthly to over $1 Million a year.
Download ESPN Streak

7. Rewardable

Rewardable app pays real cash not like Google Opinion Rewards where you get credits. This particular app is only for users living in US.
Your job would be completing a task online or answer few questions in a store. It could pay you from $5 to $20 depending upon the job you choose. They pay you via PayPal.
Download Rewardable & use referrer ID PNAGRALE

8. Gigwalk

Just like Rewardable Gigwalk is also available for people in US and some parts of Canada.
You can become a Gigwalker and make money by completing assignments. It could be taking photos of different places, handing out fliers or pamphlets or becoming mystery shopper.
Here the job is laborious as you might have to go out on the streets. You can make between $5 to $20.
Download Gigwalk

9. CheckPoints

Again here you do not make money but earn points for doing things like scanning the items at a grocery store, checking for items in a shopping mall and other errands.
You also get points for playing games and watching videos. Later on you can redeem these points with gadgets, gift cards and other rewards. Really good for shoppers.
Download CheckPoints

10. App Trailers

You can help app trailers improving their apps by giving your honest experience about the app you are using. You need to share a review about the app how good or bad the app is.
If you watch a video then you get half a cent and for trying out a demo you can make from 10 cents to $1. You also make points for referrals.
Download App Trailers

11. NPolls

The very name suggests that this android app is about free polls. Here you have to complete a survey usually about politics, sports, current affairs, social trends, lifestyle, brands etc.
One survey could pay you anything around 20 cents to 50 cents. Yes the money is not that much but if you are free then you could take few surveys daily.
Download NPolls

12. GymPact

Gym Pact is for the people who are fitness freak. You can make money while exercising at a gym. But there is a catch.
Once you have signed up with GymPact you make money for everyday you go to gym and you lose (or pay) money every day you skip.
For a workout that last 30 minutes you can make $.50 to $1.
Download GymPact

13. ShopKick

ShopKick is good for people who are heavy shoppers. You can walk into any store and redeem for gift cards or coupon.
You can make money while you are shopping. ShopKick pays you minimum of $2 for a gift card.
Moreover the best part is that the app is absolutely free of cost. For android platform you can get it through Google Play.
Download ShopKick

14. Juno Wallet

Juno Wallet does not pay you but rewards you with points. You get points for doing things like watching videos, playing games, completing surveys or polls and inviting friends to play with you.
You can redeem points or credit for pizza, coffee, movie tickets, games, books etc. You get gift cards from Juno Wallet. Gift Cards for Amazon, Google iPlay, iTunes etc. You could also earn cash.
Download Juno Wallet

15. Cash King

Cash King app is also a great way to make money on your mobile phone. You get gift cards for Amazon and cash through PayPal.
You can earn $5 in 5 minutes and active users can make up to $50 quickly. You make money for watching videos and also sharing with friends. Videos are movie trailers, commercials etc.
Download Cash King

16. iPoll

Just like iPoll is also a survey based apps. This android app allows you take surveys and make cash.
iPoll will pay you cash as well as credit for the iTunes and Amazon credit. You can choose different surveys, some surveys everyone can take up and some are restricted not everyone can take up.
Download iPoll

17. Viggle

The last android app in our list is Viggle you can make money with. You can make money while watching TV and listening to music.
You get reward points for watching tv show or listening to music albums. With Viggle Live you can earn points by completing polls while watching a TV show live.
Download Viggle

18. Easy Shift

You complete Shifts (or Assignments) and get paid through PayPal. You get paid for doing various things like taking photos, shopping, eating out and giving your opinion or review about a restaurant.
If you complete a task then you are promoted so you can go for higher paying assignments and other perks. They could pay you within 48 hours.
Download Easy Shift

19. Receipt Hog

Its really easy & fun ways to earn money from your shopping by submitting your cash receipt to Receipt Hot. Just 3 steps-
  1. Shop anything at any retailer
  2. Print a picture of your cash receipt
  3. And get paid!
You can even earn more by referring your contacts & scanning barcodes etc.

20. Money Machine

This is another app that can earn you some extra income completeting the same offers as in other apps. Here also, you can receive your income in PayPal.
Download ‘Money Machine’
So these were 20 Android apps you can make money with. To download the app just click on the link.