Thursday 18 August 2016

What is mTurk (Amazon Mechanical Turk)

Amazon Mechanical Turk or simply mTurk is one of the simplest way of earning some little extra income in part time but many of the people don’t know about some of the smart tips & tricks to get the full advantage of mTurk.
This article will explain you everything about mTurk and some of the best tips only few of mTurk workers are using. You can double your income after using these mTurk tips & tricks.
And if you want more websites like mTurk then check these top 10 crowd sourcing websites & make even more money.

Know everything about MTurk before you start working

Don’t start blindly. Learn everything about MTurk that you will see once you logged in to your MTurk account. Once you understand everything then it will be easy to work on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
And you can also check some of the best tips & tricks here that will help you to maximize your MTurk earnings.

What is Amazon Mechanical Turk or mTurk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk or mTurk is a marketplace to work on small micro jobs that can’t be completed automatically by computers and so require human ideas to complete these small jobs.
MTurk allows small businesses and website owners to access to a diverse, on-demand, scalable workforce and gives workers a selection of thousands of tasks to complete whenever it’s convenient.
mTurk is based on the idea that there are still many things that human beings can do much more effectively than computers, such as identifying objects in a photo or video, complete a small survey, rate or like a website, share the contents on social media sites, transcribing audio recordings, review a product or site & hundreds of different tasks.
Earlier, if you want to complete such tasks, you need to hire people on temporary basis which is time consuming and expensive but same thing on Amazon Mechanical Turk is the easier, faster and cheaper.

What‘s the difference between a Worker & Requester in mTurk?

A requester is a person, website owner or a company who provides the tasks to mTurk so that thousands of its workers can see these tasks and complete them. A worker is a person who wants to make money on mTurk & completes the tasks provided by requester.

What is a HIT?

A Human Intelligence Task, or HIT, is nothing but task provided by the requester to be completed. On successful completion of the task, worker gets rewarded.

How do I join mTurk as a Worker?

Check this mTurk signup post to guide you for the registration.

How do I complete a HIT?

One you signup on MTurk, login to your account and view thousands of HITs available there. Click the “Accept HIT” button while viewing the HIT.
Complete the HIT according to its instructions, fill out the form with the results, and click the “Submit HIT” button. After you submit your results for the HIT, another similar HIT will be presented for you to accept.

How do I receive my money from MTurk?

Once you complete a HIT in mTurk, the requester will check this and if satisfied approves your HIT.
When Amazon checks the approval from requester, it transfer the money from requester’s prepaid balance to worker’s Amazon payment account.
You can check everything on the dashboard like how many tasks you have completed successfully, how many rejected, how much is the balance etc.
Once your account in Amazon Mechanical Turk reaches more than US $10, you can ask to withdraw your payment. Its better, you withdraw after every US $100 as there is $4 deduction every time you request a withdrawal.

What is a bonus payment?

A bonus is an extra incentive from a Requester. If a requester feel your work is excellent and better than what he wanted, he may choose to pay you extra commission for the same reward you already paid for.

My task was rejected, what should I do?

A Requester has the right to reject the task if he thinks, its wrong or not satisfactory. But if you feel your answer was right or you did the task successfully, you can directly contact the requester. In most of the cases, requester approves the work if a worker contact him and justify his work.

How much time do I have to work on a HIT?

Requesters can specify a HIT’s “Allotted Time” or how long a worker can hold on to a HIT once he accept the HIT. So once you accept the task, its your responsibility to give the priority to that task and complete that in the allotted time.
In many cases, the worker accept this but does not complete so other workers who wants to complete that have no option to complete that.
In this case neither you nor other worker completed the HIT and requester does not get his task completed in the reasonable time period. So this ensures that if you did not complete the task in allotted time, the HIT is available to other worker.

MTurk Tips & Tricks

At present, MTurk is very strict about new signup. Its difficult to get the approval from Amazon Mechanical Turk. But you can try your luck.
Its a good thing if you get the approval but there is no need to worry, if you don’t get approval. You can signup other 10 websites like MTurk & start working on these sites.
But if you have already got the approval from Amazon Mechanical Turk, then you can try these smart tips to work on MTurk. I am sure these tips & tricks will maximize your earnings in MTurk.
  • Demo of completing an mTurk HIT
  • Tips & Tricks to work smart & fast
  • A Must have Mturk Tool – Turkopticon Toolbar
I hope you enjoy this information & it will benefit you one way or other. If you have any question or suggestion on Mturk then you can write this through comments below.

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